
How to Impress Asian Women

Asian women and a white man sitting around a table in a party
Here are ways you can impress Asian women!

More than ever, it’s easier to date women from across the seas. There are many free dating sites in Asia without payment that let you do that. Dating sites are now the most convenient means of finding a potential life partner.

When your heart is set to finding such a person among Asian women, chatting with them online isn’t enough. You must also learn how to woo them in the way they will like, which of course, you need to know just what makes Asian ladies tick.

Asia is such a huge continent consisting of many countries, each distinct on its own. All Asian countries have their own sets of cultures and traditions, but although Chinese, Thai, and Filipina women are very much different, their similarities somehow lie in their dating perspective and approach.

Just like any interracial relationships, you need to go beyond just stereotypes, preconceived notions, and petty online chat. There are just plenty of online or real-life ways to leave a great impression to Asian girls in specific and general:

Translate your English name

Specifically, this is only applicable when you’re dating Chinese women. An estimated less than one percent of China’s population speak English. Before you come up with topics to impress a girl on chat, especially when she’s from China, make sure you know your name in Chinese characters and introduce yourself to her with that! It’s not really necessary, but it’s better making the effort when you really aim to impress her.

In addition to that, while you can always meet Chinese women who may be adequately proficient in English, learning even the simplest words and phrases in her language will be something she’ll greatly appreciate. To her, it means that you’re honoring her origin, which is what you’re really doing.

Really, learn some common phrases in her language

Set yourself apart from other white men who just talk English. Saying your compliments (or just about anything) in her language will impress her. It doesn’t hurt learning just simple words and phrases in her language.

If anything, it shows your effort, and that is something she cannot help but appreciate. If you’re looking for which words to impress a girl, start with compliments.

Learn about her dating culture and norm

Asians tend to be conservative,so normally, they shy away from expressing affection to their partners in the public. If you’re finally meeting her, woo her in the Asian way. A peck in the cheek or a little holding of hands will do.

No matter how emotionally expressive you are, save your attempts on publicly displaying your affection for when you’ve already been to several dates or out of the public eye.

Doing otherwise—that is to display outright intimacy in the public—may end up with you offending her. It’s rare to even find Asian men and women couples kissing in public, unlike in the West. So, if you really want to impress your girl, restrain yourself when showing outward affection.

Learn about her culture, in general

Aside from learning tidbits of her language, make an effort to learn generally about her culture as well. Asian countries are very different from each other. Say you’re dating a Thai girl - Thai people are known for their smile and gentleness. Dating one, you need to show more of your courteous side. It may be easier said than done for it’s easy to forget being mindful about what you speak and how you act. But do come up as a nice guy. A Thai woman is very particular about a man’s attitude.

On the other hand, when you’re dating Chinese women and are finally visiting her at home, you need to remove your shoes before entering or else you’ll risk yourself not going to be entertained with her elderly family members. For a Chinese woman, her parents’ say has a big impact on her dating life, which is why you need to avoid making some mistakes in front of her family.

These are just a few of the cultures in specific Asian countries. There are more for you to learn yet. Every Asian woman is different but it doesn’t hurt learning about your date in the context of her cultures and traditions.

Visit her hometown

Have you been chatting with her for some time now? If so, isn’t it about time you take things further? Especially when you can already say for certain that the two of you really connect even if just virtually.

Fly to her hometown! Some dating sites have their own ways in connecting men and women from all around the world. You can even join singles vacation tours with help from a matchmaking agency. Doing this can impress a woman by showing her just how interested you are to meet her in real life.

Respect her beliefs, values, and ways

Asians are generally family-oriented. While the Westerners value independence, Asian people value their families way more. They make efforts to ensure their families stay intact. And this closeness doesn’t just apply to immediate family, but also the extended ones as well.

On the other hand, while modern Asian girls know how to have fun in the dating process, most women are serious when it comes to starting their own families. These women have marriage in mind, which is why dates may seem like a ritual of finding “the one”.

Aside from close family ties, you might adjust to practices that Westerners would find strange. For instance, you may also need to accept how strange the medicine Chinese women use or that gender norms are perceived differently in the country.

Here’s an example of roles of men and women in Asia, the men are still expected to foot the bill on dates. So better not ask her to split the bill with you. She might be willing to pay, but she may not be willing to go on another date with you.

Filipinas, in particular, also have their own ways. One unique tradition of these people is eating with their bare hands. They also have their share of exotic food.

Whatever these practices and beliefs may be, better adapt to them soon because that is one way of winning her over.

Impressing her is key to winning her heart

If you seriously want to impress your Asian date, try following these tips. But for better success in impressing Asian women, especially if they’re from the countries not mentioned, try researching country-specific cultures and traditions for you to take note!

NEVER DO THIS When Dating Asian Women

woman leaning on black cyclone wire
Here are the things you should never do when dating Asian women.

While the points above guide you towards what's best to do when dating Asian women, there are also things that you will have to avoid doing.

Some can be compromised, but others are real deal breakers. You sure wouldn’t want to ruin your first date with your special lady, right?

It’s true that Asian ladies tend to find foreign men attractive to the point that some of them even prefer foreign guys alone, but you shouldn’t take that as a guarantee that you can easily win their hearts.

On the first date, be that someone who’s far from being offensive - culturally and personally. Knowing how to meet Asian women offline or online is easy, but either way, you will want to avoid making a bad impression on your first meeting.

As such, here are the don’ts when dating Asian singles:

Don’t fetishize her.

It’s nowhere near a compliment when someone is fetishized because of their race. Asian girls have had enough of that, having to weed out foreign guys who have this famous “yellow fever”. The last thing they would want is to date a man who keeps talking about how Asian they are.

Sometimes, you may not be aware that you have this so-called Asian fever. Aside from what was mentioned earlier, you will recognize the Asian fetish in you when you keep on referencing her to her race, endear her with food names because of how she looks, point out that she does certain stereotypes as what you expected, or use slang words in her language without even thinking about understanding what it means. These are all considered offensive. It might also be a subtle way of showing that your previous lovers have striking similarities with your new one.

Don’t interrupt her when she's talking.

This applies to any other women you’re dating, but for a typical Asian woman, she may just wait for you to stop talking before she can open her mouth. Her silence may mean she is listening and waiting for her turn to speak. So when it’s her turn to speak, be a gentleman and listen attentively.

Don’t be a know-it-all.

If you want to impress a woman, especially if she comes from a foreign country, the last thing you should do is brag about what you learned about her country. It’s the same way as dating Asian women. It's a given that she knows more about Asian culture, Asian traditions, and many other facts about their continent and the country she is living in. While it’s okay to talk about her culture, first dates aren’t the right time for that, especially if you sound like you know better than she does. If you feel compelled to talk negatively about certain Asian issues, such as social differences and other peculiarities, it's best to just keep your mouth shut.

Don’t speak her language as if you’re a pro.

Unless you really are a pro of her language, there’s no reason you’re prohibited to use it. But if you only know several words and phrases, don’t even try to sound like you’re fluent. You may show how much you’re interested about her culture by learning several beginner vocabularies, but not sounding arrogant like you know most about her language. This also applies to when you’re just yet chatting or calling each other on dating sites. The only thing that you need to be good at is learning how to pronounce Asian women names, especially hers.

Don’t say no to the food she prepared, ordered, or recommended to you.

That’s just the way it is for interracial relationships. Your foreign date’s cuisines may be very peculiar to your eyes, but you should acknowledge the food she brought or recommended. This is true when you are having your first date in a restaurant. Show her how much of an adventurer you are to give in to what she suggests or orders.

Don’t hesitate sharing your food with her as well. Asian girls find it a typical thing to taste their partner’s meals. She’ll love sharing her food with you as well.

Don’t rush things.

Asian females aren’t that easy. This is one difference they may have from Western girls. While everyone’s different and you can’t put your date under the conservative stereotype, there’s a big chance you will meet one who’s more or less reserved. The best thing you can do is to give her some time and respect her want of space.

Stay away from public displays of affection.

While your Asian date may have her romantic fantasies, it doesn’t include displaying too much physical affection in public. Typical first dates with these ladies may be about sitting next to each other without holding hands. For goodbyes, you may give a little peck on the cheek. Again, you shouldn’t rush things with these women as society has ingrained the virtue of being conservative in most of them.

Don’t be afraid to meet her family.

The first few dates don’t have to include meeting her family, relatives, or friends, but when she proposes or insists that you meet them, do it. Your Asian date will want to know if you can be trusted. She will want to hear what the important people in her life have to say about you, as well as observe how you interact with them. Families are very important in Asia, so if she’s down to have a serious relationship with you, you’ll have to face the people she loves.

Keep in mind these do’s and don’ts when dating Asian women.


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