
Helpful Tips on Dating Asian Women this National Lover’s Day

A cute Asian girl in a hijab holding her eyeglasses.
Tips for dating a girl from Asia? Learn and respect her culture.

Looking for tips on dating Asian women this National Lover’s Day?

Asia is the largest continent in the world. According to the United Nations, it is home to 48 countries. With this, it holds the lion’s share of the most unique cultures and traditions in the world.

Aside from that, Asian beauty is also very diverse. The exotic features of these women are quite unique from their Western counterparts. The way they dress also depends on their country’s customs. Remember, there are different types of Asian women. So, don’t expect women from China to look the same as women from Saudi Arabia, India, or the Philippines.

However, what most Asian women have in common are their traits and values. They put their family first. They understand their roles in the household. They are modest and reserved. But they also know the value of practicality and hard work. This is why they make ideal partners.

To help you impress your date, here are some tips for dating a girl this National Lover’s Day:

Be presentable.

First impressions last. You may have already heard it a thousand times, but it is true. Your date will remember how you appeared in your first meeting. So, pick the appropriate clothing and observe proper grooming and hygiene.

Be romantic.

Most Asian women are romantic at heart. They easily appreciate romantic gestures. They don’t care how big or small of a gesture it is, as long as it comes from the heart.

On your date, show her your romantic side. Dedicate a song if you’re having a date in a dive bar. Coordinate with the servers in the restaurant if you can add romantic music in the background. Do something that shows you appreciate her presence. Any romantic gesture will surely make her like you more.

Surprise her with a gift.

Want to increase your chances of making her like you? Give her a gift on your date. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Just make sure that this is something lovely and thoughtful. This way she’ll smile after receiving it.

Be mindful though. Asian countries are mostly superstitious. There are gifts that you think are perfect for your date but may suggest a horrible connotation to their culture. For instance, the Japanese associate camellias with funerals. So do your research first before buying your Asian date a gift.

Start the conversation.

Most Asian women tend to be shy on their first date. They are even nervous at times. So, take the initiative to start your conversation.

Prepare several topics beforehand. Ask questions about her. Tell something about yourself. Try to find something that you have in common. Break the ice with non-offensive jokes if you want to. Take the responsibility of making her comfortable and keeping the conversation going.

Have good table manners.

Good table etiquette should always be followed when eating with an Asian. Their customs vary from country to country, but the idea remains. You should respect the food served and be courteous to servers and the people at the table. Overall, you need to show respect and be polite to impress your date.

However, there’s no need to beat yourself up to learn about her country’s dining etiquette. Just tell the truth. If you’re dating a Japanese woman, inform her beforehand that you don’t know how to use chopsticks. She’ll understand. She will be more impressed by your honesty than by you faking it.

Be interested in her culture.

Asian women are culturally-oriented. They value their country’s customs and traditions in every little detail of their lives. Some of these values may even be seen during your date. So, use this moment to charm her with your interest.

That said, there’s no need to stay up all night. You can just read little details about it. Then, ask her further about it on your date.

In fact, this is perfect for a good conversation starter. This will show her your interests, which, in turn, will let her share more about herself. Thus, this is a good way to keep the conversation going.

Be gentle with your approach.

Don’t scare her away.

Here’s what to expect on a first date with an Asian woman, you need to be gentle when dating these women. They are not as liberal as Western women. They don’t easily accept offers of intimacy on the first date. If they do, it would be limited to holding hands, hugging, or a kiss on the cheeks. The ideal thing is to give them some time.

Do not rush these intimate acts. If you must, ask her politely. If she disagrees, don’t do it. It is very disrespectful. You may never get another date with her if you continue pushing it further.

Pay the bill.

You may be used to Western women offering to split the bill. However, it is highly encouraged that you should be the one paying for it when you date an Asian woman. In fact, men in China traditionally pay for the bill on their first date. Though this is unique in that region, there’s nothing wrong with following it. Besides, it shows that you can be a reliable partner. And that’s a plus that will surely land you on more dates.

Avoid Offending Your Asian Date

An Asian woman talking with a foreign man.
You can even ask your date for some tips on dating.

Here’s one of the most useful tips for dating for the first time: be observant. You need to know that not all Asian women are the same and that stereotypes are not always true. So pay attention to your date. Know what she likes and doesn’t like. Don’t just base your actions on what you read online.

Most men mistake ladies from this continent to be submissive. Their views on dating culture may still follow their ancestor’s traditional outlook. However, you should not generalize them. They still have their own values and belief system.

That said, avoid offending them on your date. Don’t try to guess your date’s ethnicity. Don’t lecture her about your knowledge of Asian culture and traditions. Most importantly, think twice before saying something.

What you should do instead is treat her with respect. Be certain about what you like in her. Tell jokes that are not offensive. Be enthusiastic in listening to her stories. Show her that you can be a reliable partner. Have the qualities that she finds attractive in men. This will surely give you a chance for another date. Good luck!


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