
Why STRONG Chinese Girls CHOOSE Foreign Guys

Dating Chinese girls online is not enough. Chinese women who aspire to be a tradwife cringe at the idea of marrying a man they only know via an Asian dating app.

Among Western bachelors’ favorite facts about Chinese girls is that they’ve mastered how to be a tradwife – or traditional wife. Tradwife TikTok is full of Western men who dream of love connections with the kind of traditional women commonly found in China.

Finding a Chinese girlfriend is far from being an impossibility for Western guys. Dating in China isn’t exclusive to men and women living in China. International dating apps allow for more Chinese girls dating foreigners to find a serious relationship leading to marriage.

More single Chinese girls dating beyond borders is definitely great news for passport bros who solo travel to guaranty a match with feminine women. Western feminism seemingly aims to detach traditionalism from femininity. But traditional men understand that juggling homemaking and raising a traditional family is no easy feat. So, they argue, exercising the choice to be a housewife makes being a tradwife feminist.

So are Chinese girls easy to date? It’s not the case at all. But, like foreigners dating Chinese women, they know what they want. A day in the life of a tradwife can be more fulfilling and empowering than non traditional wives realize. Chinese women also prefer men seeking tradwives because they recognize them as being so much more than just hot Chinese girls.


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