
Is Being a Single Mom a RED FLAG? | Dating Philippine Women

Foreign men who are looking into dating Philippine women have noticed that many Filipinas are single mothers dating towards marriage. If you’re dating in your 30s, you’ll know that this is also true for single ladies in the West and overseas. But due to some negative stereotypes about foreigner Filipina relationships, some bachelors can’t help but ask if Pinay single mothers are not worth dating.

The dating advice for men most Asian cupids would give is to disregard men that shout “ stay away from single mothers in the Philippines “ at least not on the basis that she’s a single mom. When you reach a certain age or level of experience, dating single moms becomes just another part of trying to guaranty a match.

Although there seems to be no shortage of marriage minded foreigners willing to date a Filipina – or even marry a Filipina – not all Filipino women are lucky enough to guaranty a match with a man who shares her dream of lifelong connections without first making some fairly common dating mistakes.

Same as in the United States and Europe, there are some insincere guys dating in the Philippines as well, who are dating Filipina women even though they’re not mature enough for a long term Filipina girlfriend, much less a family oriented Filipina wife.

This is one of the reasons why it’s easy to find a Filipina dating beyond borders. Philippine women appreciate that most foreign guys dating a Filipina are doing it with pure intentions. But they’d also appreciate it if a love seeking foreigner would come on a singles tour or solo travel without any preconceived notion against dating single mothers.


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