
Do China Women HAVE NO DESIRE for Marriage and Children?

While being 35 and single for Western women means you’re independent, it’s another story for Chinese women. In the traditional Asian country, single women in their 30s are referred to as “sheng nu” – or “leftover women” by many in China.

Now, what are leftover women?

In Chinese culture, if you’re a lady dating in your 30s, you’re a leftover woman to many. It’s essentially a term used to discriminate against single Chinese women who are career driven or choose to focus on other life aspects over marriage.

If the history of China is any indication, Chinese women are sometimes discouraged from becoming powerful women. The men in China are not shy about giving insights into what they think a proper Chinese woman should be.

Now that China has an economy caught up to its population, the one child policy can be shelved in Chinese history books. Still, Chinese women don’t have a lot of confidence that they won’t end up being marginalized in the process.

Today, women in China have the struggles of single leftover women to tackle. Instead of just working in a Beijing office, modern women are still being pressured to also work on relationship problems. However, the stigma now affects bachelors who are dating leftover women as well. So, even for marriage minded Chinese beauties, it’s difficult to guaranty a match when they’ve reached a certain age.

Thankfully, with Asian dating apps, Chinese women don’t need to travel beyond borders to dive into the international dating pool. Although they risk being accused of hypergamy – or being gold diggers – Chinese girls still attend speed dating events with foreign guys in Shenzhen and Guangzhou to pursue their dream of lifelong connections.

In the end, the average, rational male on these singles vacations only really cares about dating beautiful women. Some of these love seeking tourists even appreciate China’s rigid customs around dating towards marriage for buffering their approach anxiety. Foreign guys are also grateful for the door to a one on one introduction with a family oriented Chinese girl that these customs have inadvertently opened for them.


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