
Asian Dating丨DON’Ts in Dating Chinese Women

One of the most essential things in international dating is attracting and impressing Chinese women on the first dates to score succeeding dates. However, some foreign men who venture out on Asian dating tend to impress Chinese women the wrong way. Foreign men think that what they are doing can make these women fall head over heels in love with them.

Women in Asia, especially Asian women, are not demanding too much on a relationship. In fact, one way to conquer an Asian woman’s heart is being a gentleman on the first date. But what does it entail?

In order to impress Chinese girls, you have to be yourself. This is necessary especially if you have the intention of marrying her. These women appreciate genuineness and they are more impressed if you don’t pretend to be someone else. Give her compliments and pay attention when she’s talking. Being a good listener is a sign of sincerity.

In addition, women in China would also prefer simplicity. They are not after extravagant dates. They are more into simple yet intimate dates. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to be really intimate with her physically. Kissing and hugging would only make a bad impression on her. So, as much as possible, avoid doing it on the first date.

These are just some of the things that make a red flag for women in Asia. If Chinese speed dating interests you, these dating tips are surely of a great help.


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